Fake Discount Voucher Codes

There are various websites advertising fake Caketoppers promo codes, discounts, coupons or vouchers for our products. These are usually found by searching phrases such as Caketoppers discount codes, Caketoppers.co.uk vouchers or deals.

These codes are not genuine. Not only are they fake but some are illegal, potentially fraudulent and harmful to your privacy. Customers are often misled into entering personal details to claim a code. You may be redirected to our website from theirs with a promise of a percentage or discount off our products but this is a scam.

These websites are in no way associated with Caketoppers and they are using our brand without permission. We do not use third party sites for discounts or voucher campaigns, and any codes you find from searching will not work.

Fake or scam websites can mislead you into entering private data and potentially use your information for identity theft or other types of fraudulent activity. If you have been a victim of fraud we highly recommend that you report it to the police or Action Fraud.

How to get genuine discount codes for Caketoppers

Any promotions we run will always be through direct communication and our official channels. This includes loyalty bonuses for existing or new customers, and special offers in email newsletters or social media posts.

If you subscribe to our newsletter you can receive genuine discounts and voucher codes for use on our website caketoppers.co.uk. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for news on promotions and special offers.

Why are fake codes out there?

Searching for discounts and offers online seems like an easy way to save money. Unfortunately, it's also an easy way to give your name and contact information to fraudsters. Be sure to verify a voucher deal is genuine before sharing your information.

You want to buy something and hope to save money by finding a discount online. A Google search turns up dozens of websites. Most of them are voucher and coupon sites, promising a modest 10% to 15% discount. Maybe there's one offering a significantly better deal like a half price voucher. You click that link, the site seems genuine. It uses a recognised logo and maybe other details that make it look official. You are asked for your email address and phone number, promising that your voucher or code will be sent to you. When you complete the form you might be redirected to a promotion for an unrelated product.  

too good to be trueSome sites scam you for money by asking you to pay for vouchers and other types of discount promotions. Many are trying to get your personal information. They can then sell this on to be used in mailing lists. This can result in you receiving unsolicited emails, probably with harmful content. Your private data could potentially be used with other sources in attempts to steal your identity and other criminal activities.

What can you do about it?

If something looks too good to be true, then it probably is. If you see an amazing offer it is most likely a scam. Check it out carefully before clicking on anything.

Do not enter your personal details on a website unless you are certain of what you are doing.

Don't click links or button in emails. Double-check where that link is taking you first.

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